Sunday, 5 December 2010


There has been much furore over Julian Assange's uncontrollable leakiness, but it doesn't sit right with me. What has he actually leaked? A mass of evidence demonstrating that politicians the world over are corrupt, lying, backstabbing, two-faced, vengeful, petty, untrustworthy and far more interested in their own careers than in the people they were elected to represent.

Okay, who out there didn't already know that?

England has just lost the World Cup hosting to Russia, in what was very probably a politically motivated vote although nobody can prove that at the moment. The UK political response?

One - Find a Russian working in parliament and accuse them of spying. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, but the timing of this discovery is far too convenient.

Two - Cancel the Olympic junket for the officials who voted England out. Personally, I don't think taxpayers should be paying for luxury accommodation for people who earn far more than any of us. The junket should never have existed. It did, and withdrawing it in response to losing the vote can only be described as petty.

So we didn't need the leaks. The nature of the beast has been plain for all to see for a very long time.

If further evidence of petty vindictiveness were needed, those rape charges against Assange have been revived all of a sudden. Even though they had been quietly dropped for lack of evidence, they are now subject to an Interpol arrest warrant.

Now, these leaks have been claimed by the countries involved to put national security at risk. Releasing State secrets is a crime in itself. Stealing them is espionage, handling them and passing them on is at the very least 'handling stolen goods'. Why are there no warrants out there with those things on them? There are no mentions of charges relating to the leaks. Such charges would be irrefutable because he put the stuff on his website and told the world he did it. Charges relating to national security issues could see him put away for a long time. He is not being charged with those things. Instead, he is to be arrested for alleged rape using a case that had already been dropped by prosecutors.

All the leaks so far are embarrassing but hardly national security. So the American government holds the UK government in contempt. Why wouldn't they? Everyone here does. So the Boss of Afghanistan is happy to sneer at those who die to help him stay in power. He's a politician, they all do that. No surprises there.

Remember those cartoons that set the whole of Arabia and beyond into the streets shrieking 'I keel you'? They were furious at what they saw as personal humiliation in the public press. We shrug off satirical cartoons here, but in the Muslim world they don't. They take such things very seriously indeed. All the same, they can't be allowed to kill people in other countries just because their feelings are hurt.

The American politicians are calling for Assange to be killed. Sarah 'Sixgun' Palin has called for him to be hunted down like Osama bin Laden. She should maybe have used a successful manhunt as a comparison, but maybe she doesn't read the news. Why? Because he has embarrassed them with revelations that they really are just as arrogant, devious and unpleasant as we already knew they were. So they storm into the newspapers and TV shrieking 'I keel you'. The difference is, these people have the ability to arrest and quietly 'disappear' people. Legally.

It had to come to that, didn't it? All that legislation allowing people to use 'hurt feelings' as a case for the prosecution, as typified by the story Banned has today. Harsher and harsher penalties for more and more trivial comments must eventually lead to a judge saying 'We find that you made this person cry a little bit' and then putting on the black cap. The politicians calling for a hit on Assange are just ahead of the game... and not very far ahead at that.

The leaked stuff doesn't seem to include any actual state secrets, at least none that really matter. I wonder if he's been handed a load of duff info with a few real Emails to destroy his credibility? Next, he plans to release a lot of UFO information. That should put Wikileaks right in there with the crank brigade. I have no opinion on whether UFOs are real or not, but some of the people obsessed with them are very strange indeed.

Assange is a danger to the machinations of state because one day he might get hold of something really important, and publish it. He might find their plans to turn the world back into Middle Ages serfdom, and it would be so much easier to brush off such a revelation if he's been discredited.

I don't think they'll kill him. That would make a martyr of him, and we'd all then be certain he was really on to something. I think they'll let him have a load of duff info, wait for him to publish it and then point and laugh. Once that's done it becomes easy to dismiss anything else as 'conspiracy theory'.

Then again, they don't need to kill him. There are plenty of State drones willing to do it for them, in the mistaken belief they will be rewarded.


Bucko said...

I think that if he was arrested, charged and put away for revealing state secrets, that would validate him and draw much more mainstream attention to what he has put on the internet.
Imprisoning him for rape discredits him and taints all the information he has released. The sheep are unlikely to beleive the word of a "convicted" rapist.

Smoking Hot said...

l had to laugh at the Russian spy accusations. The MSM seem to 'forget' that our embassys in the ex-UUSR ran Balkan states that are now part of the EU are staffed mainly by citizens from the relevant country.

l've had dealings with a couple of these embassys and l've had difficuly in getting the staff to understand me. :)

Also, my own wife's grandfather worked for the USSR controlled administration in a senior position. He continued to do so, as did the majority, after the 'USSR' left and many bemoaned their leaving. These new EU member state's population now have access to the whole of the EU.

Security? ... yeah, right

Xopher said...

you're right that Wikileaks has produced nothing we didn't know or think before BUT it's all there in black & white and it's only those mentioned who are upset to see descriptors of their incompetence.
Let's hope these 'revelations' will wake the whole Country up so they realise how manipulative and shallow our leaders are and maybe, just maybe, they'll remind them what their job really is.

Captain Ranty said...

Word reaches Ranty Barracks that Mr Assange is backed (financially) by none other than the mighty George Soros.

Don't ask who told me, because I won't tell.

For a respectable time, at least.


Anonymous said...

“A mass of evidence demonstrating that politicians the world over are corrupt, lying, backstabbing, two-faced, vengeful, petty, untrustworthy and far more interested in their own careers than in the people they were elected to represent.”

I guess that’s the thing that worries “the authorities” more than anything because although there’s clearly a growing number of people who have rumbled the politicians’ game, there are still a lot more out there who think that most of them are just a bit daft, but basically “good eggs.” Quite how anybody can be convinced of that after the last few decades escapes me, but the fact is that people who cling on to such archaic ideas often need just what Wikileaks has given them – hard evidence – to wake up to what their supposed representatives are really up to.

That’s why there’s been such an outcry and shouts of “national security” (the control-freaks’ equivalent of “for the chiiildren”) and much digging up of old dirty linen from Assange’s past – not because they actually intend to do anything about it, but because they are hoping that it’ll shut him up and stop him “leaking” any more revealing little snippets about their activities and their low opinion of the people they are supposed to serve.

Anonymous said...

Yes, not a whole lot of information anyone with half a brain wouldn't have already conceived as going on and being said among the diplomatic forces in the backrooms about those in other countries, back and forth, tit for tat, politicians using pawns to secure more power, etc.

However - this is the perfect set-up for "problem, reaction, solution".

Wiki becomes the "problem" - if it's nothing released that anyone couldn't have figured out as plausible to begin with or even a little minor dirty secrets here and there, enough to make it appear authentically "damaging" - then it can be defined as a "problem".

"Reaction". That's what's going on now. He's a rapist. They sold secrets for money. Money tap's been shut off. The latest, they were electronically "chased" by the possee ("good guys" chasing after the "bad guys") electronically, across the internet, to where they just set up their website in Switzerland, being chased for "our protection" of course.

And then "solution". Doesn't Biden in US have a Net Neutrality government take-over of the internet act already sitting in his right vest pocket, already written, ready to whip out at the right moment and present to their congress for Pelosi/Reid to get voted into law in a hurry and Obama to sign.

That's what it sounds like to me and how it's playing out. Right now it sounds like a lot of "reaction" going on and MSM is all too happy to go along with it since they're pretty much in obeyance to their role in the NWO as it is - they just need to get the internet under control next.

Then no more real problems, for them. No more controversial websites, blogsites, none of it. All shut down, will need a license like a broadcaster, will have to have lots of money to go through all the hurdles and hoops to operate just a blogsite by the time they get through. Electronic editing will remove all the "bad" words, phrases and ideas, so only the "good" gets through - and all thanks to Wikileaks.

For all anyone knows, maybe even Wikileaks was set-up early on, unwittingly, so they will certainly act surprised and play out the role of hero - but the real manipulation and control of the current course of action, "problem, reaction, solution" - it's all part of the plan - all along.

Meantime "left" tattles on "right", "right" tattles on "left", they keep the charade going in the MSM as if half of it's even important - but it's just the distraction. "Problem" will be defined, "reaction" is in full swing - just wait for the "solution" in someone's top vest pocket to be pulled out next.

Wouldn't doubt it frankly, myself.

Anonymous said...

What if the content of Wikileaks is just the distraction. Everyone get involved, argue back and forth, "left" corruption is revealed happily by the "right", "right" corruption is revealed happily by the "left".

Meantime, the real story could be the whole thing was a set-up from early on, the way police decoys set-up people for entrapment, power that be set-up Wikileaks enough to get this ball of wax going - to create the "problem" that was required, waiting for a "solution".

The "reaction" is what is going on now I assume - and first it was revealed with shock in the MSM, then the rape charges, then the money tap shut off to Wikileaks, the latest is they had to flee to a Swiss website.

That latest, fleeing to the Swiss website, has me thinking now this is to make it the electronic equivalent of the big "good guy" possee chasing after the "bad guy" like in the old-west shows - it's more dramatic that way.

And eventually, at the end, then the "problem" plus the prolonged "reaction" leads right to Joe Biden's right front vest pocket where he has a little shut-down and control the internet bill waiting, already pre-written, ready to be handed to the US congress, Pelosi and Reid all primed to get it hurriedly voted, like they did the health bill, Obama all primed and ready to sign.

Then no more free internet. Everything under government control. "Big success" - have to replicate it in UK and EU, China already has it.

No more websites and no more blogs, no more of what is on this blogsite certainly - words filtered out of existence, entire discourses forbidden - total control.

It's the perfect "solution" after the prolonged "reaction" to the "problem" that may have been a set-up all along - and everyone's distracted saying ew's an ah's about the tasty revelations - most of which, like you said, aren't all that shocking, not really - but they're a great distraction and a great way to keep people divided, thinking they're seeing the real dirt.

The real dirt though, it's the "solution", that will come out of all of this.

No surprise there - but just saying, I wouldn't put it past anyone that's the longer range plan going on, higher up.

And if it is - then that is one that will never be coming out of Wikileaks or any leaks, anytime soon or ever. Not for a thousand years that the next new reich will be expected to last.

Anonymous said...

What if the content of Wikileaks is just the distraction. Everyone get involved, argue back and forth, "left" corruption is revealed happily by the "right", "right" corruption is revealed happily by the "left".

Meantime, the real story could be the whole thing was a set-up from early on, the way police decoys set-up people for entrapment, power that be set-up Wikileaks enough to get this ball of wax going - to create the "problem" that was required, waiting for a "solution".

The "reaction" is what is going on now I assume - and first it was revealed with shock in the MSM, then the rape charges, then the money tap shut off to Wikileaks, the latest is they had to flee to a Swiss website.

That latest, fleeing to the Swiss website, has me thinking now this is to make it the electronic equivalent of the big "good guy" possee chasing after the "bad guy" like in the old-west shows - it's more dramatic that way.

And eventually, at the end, then the "problem" plus the prolonged "reaction" leads right to Joe Biden's right front vest pocket where he has a little shut-down and control the internet bill waiting, already pre-written, ready to be handed to the US congress, Pelosi and Reid all primed to get it hurriedly voted, like they did the health bill, Obama all primed and ready to sign.

Then no more free internet. Everything under government control. "Big success" - have to replicate it in UK and EU, China already has it.

No more websites and no more blogs, no more of what is on this blogsite certainly - words filtered out of existence, entire discourses forbidden - total control.

It's the perfect "solution" after the prolonged "reaction" to the "problem" that may have been a set-up all along - and everyone's distracted saying ew's an ah's about the tasty revelations - most of which, like you said, aren't all that shocking, not really - but they're a great distraction and a great way to keep people divided, thinking they're seeing the real dirt.

The real dirt though, it's the "solution", that will come out of all of this.

No surprise there - but just saying, I wouldn't put it past anyone that's the longer range plan going on, higher up.

And if it is - then that is one that will never be coming out of Wikileaks or any leaks, anytime soon or ever. Not for a thousand years that the next new reich will be expected to last.

JuliaM said...

" typified by the story Banned has today. "

Real life: Making 'The Daily Mash' redundant, one day at a time...

Richard T said...

The rantings of US polticians and commentators about stringing up Assange or having him assassinated surely give the UK government a golden opportunity to refuse the extradition of Gary McKinnon on the basis that he could not get a fair trial in the USA. It's what the US authorities used to avoid the deprtation of IRA suspects after all. But then with the Tory fawning on the USA and all its works would they stand up to them?

Anonymous said...

I thought they had arrested some Corporal or summat. Or have I had a senior moment?

Snakey said...

Anon: 19:48

Yep, Bradley Manning, he is the soldier accused of leaking the files to Wikileaks. He's not a corporal, I think he's a pfc.

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