Sunday, 15 August 2010

Prophecy fulfilled.

About forty years ago, this was just a song.

Now it's a serious contender for the UK National Anthem.

I will set you free
If you will vote for me
All you have to vote for
Are the things you'll never see

Hot Chocolate - prophets. They saw the Cleggeron Coagulation coming.


Dioclese said...

I shall resist the temptation to re-record it...

microdave said...

40 years ago? - Jeeez, I must be getting old....

Leg-iron said...

Dioclese - go for it. People need to be reminded.

Microdave - I'm guessing at the years but I remember playing it on my very first record player, which had a cast steel tone arm and lived in a box.

microdave said...

If you must know 54...
I think the old record player in a box ended up being used down the garden to make mud pies!

IIRC the first half-decent device was a Ferguson Studio Six (I think that's the correct name). Stereo BRS auto-change record player, a cassette deck and FM/AM radio. All in one piece of "furniture"!

Then we had a music centre of some sort, with separate speakers, so we could get a proper stereo effect.

I eventually ended up with an assortment of components - Technics amp & cassette deck, Mordaunt Short speakers, Hitachi tuner, and a Philips 7½" reel to reel tape deck.

In view of the age of most of this gear (20yrs+) I have started digitising my old collection whilst I still can...

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