Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Gonnae no' dae that?

With all the 3D movies around now, I suppose it was only a matter of time.

I won't be going to see it. You just know what's going to be swinging over the heads of the audience and poking you in the eye. No. Just... no.

Even so, I wonder at some of those porn stars. If they put enough blood into that thing to pump it up, how come they don't pass out?

It's almost an armful.


Martin T said...

You'd have to be careful that the 3D glasses didn't fall off when you get to the vinegar strokes.

Aus Autarch said...

Now this is a useful sign...

Chief_Sceptic said...

" It's almost an armful "

Tony Hancock !!! ...

Single entendre, anyone ? ...

JuliaM said...

You know what they say, god (or evolution) gave man a brain and a penis, but only enough of a blood supply to run one at a time... ;)

As for the film, I'll pass. I'm waiting for the hologram version.

Henry North London 2.0 said...

They use stand ins for the wood and the Shooting bits...

The person doing the most acting never is seen only the hard wood..

Anyone remember Louis Theroux's adventures through USA?

JohnRS said...

I suspect with most porn stars there's no competition from the brain for blood.

Leg-iron said...

martin T - if you had the 3D glasses on the wrong way round, would the sexes change places?

Aus Autarch - that gives me an idea.

We have all these petty officials making up their own laws and pretending they have powers when they don't.

So, why can't we print 'official' signs like that and stick them everywhere?

Worded in officialese, naturally. I'll bet most people would just follow te instructions.

Leg-iron said...

Chief Sceptic - well spotted! So I'm not the only one whose head is full of archaic irrelevancies.

Freewoman - you mean... they use a stunt nob? How do they get work, and what do they put on their CV? And what do they say in the pub when someone asks them what they do for a living? 'I have a big part in films'?

John R - from the few I've seen, there's none left to run a brain, as JuliaM said.

I can't watch those films. They just make me feel inadequate. Remember the old black-and-white euphemisms - cut to a train going into a tunnel?

That's not too far off the mark.

Henry North London 2.0 said...

Yep stunt nob

especially for cum shots...

Maybe they are registered as sexual wood providers...

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