Thursday, 19 August 2010

No poofters.

The Catholic Church has rules.

Rule 1 - No poofters.

Rule 2 - Nobody is to molest the choirboys in any way at all - if there's anybody watching.

Rule 3 - No poofters.

And so on.

I think their rules and indeed their whole concept of having a Pope who is a direct line to a God who is omnipotent yet perpetually in need of money is just stupid. But I'm not a member of that club so its rules are irrelevant to me. They can choose whoever they want as members. They are very unlikely to choose me even though I'm not a poofter, because I have no interest at all in either choirs or boys and can't exercise the level of restraint in oratory which was exemplified by Ian Paisley.

Even so, I have no objection to the existence of the Catholic Church because it's none of my business. Their rules don't bind me. All I need do to avoid their rules is not go there. It's hardly onerous.

Yet the State doesn't see it that way. According to the State, a Catholic adoption agency funded by the Catholic church must fit with State rules, not the rules applied by their funders. They must allow gay couples to adopt even though their religion (and funding source) forbids it and even though gay couples have other sources of children who all look the same and are all equally repellent anyway.

I have no... interest in who adopts who. Really. Any home life has to be better than life in a home, surely? I have to admit to zero experience in this matter so I stand to be corrected.

Even so, I doubt the number of gay couples wanting to adopt is very high. So if one agency says 'no poofters', is that really a problem? There are others who don't have that rule.

This adoption agency has been forced to close because if they can't say 'No poofters' then their funding stops. We taxpayers save nothing because we're not paying. The Cath Club is paying.

So - all the children on their books. What happens to them now?

Are they destined to grow up in storage?


JuliaM said...

"So if one agency says 'no poofters', is that really a problem? There are others who don't have that rule."

It's a big problem to the Righteous. They can tolerate anything except intolerance.

Bucko said...

I may be wrong, but I would imagine an adoption agency that says "poofters only" would be acceptable.

McRantin said...

"It's a big problem to the Righteous. They can tolerate anything except intolerance."

I'll have to ammend that statement; they can't tolerate intolerance when it concerns their "pet" demographics. If you're not in one of the approved groups then intolerance is fine, and even encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Where do adoption agencies get their kids from anyway.

Are they kids people give away, or are they kids the state takes away?

Gareth said...

"According to the State, a Catholic adoption agency funded by the Catholic church must fit with State rules, not the rules applied by their funders."

At the very least it receives beneficial tax treatment as a charity on which a value could be put. They also receive taxpayer money for the services they provide. They do not have to be a state registered charity, they do not have to take taxpayers' money nor does the Charity Commission need to be such busybodies.

The mistake they made was in seeking permission to discriminate. That cannot be permitted unless it is against men or heterosexuals.

richard said...

In fact, Ian Paisley isn't a Catholic. He got thrown out of some European parliament or other for holding up a sign saying "The Pope is the Antichrist".
Anon, I think these days adoption agencies take kids for adoption, and by meeting targets for adoption, councils get paid. Brian Gerrish talks about this in his videos.

Lord T said...

Well if they all closed then the state would have a big problem. They would soon change their minds and make a dispensation for religious reasons.

Sadly, like everyone else they won't stick together and some will feel they have to do it for the children.

'When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.' - Edmund Burke

Anonymous said...

What a shame this has all blown up in relation to a predominantly white, largely male-run, Western religion. One wonders what the Righteous would have done (or indeed, in the future, might do) if the same rules had been highlighted in respect of a Muslim-based adoption agency.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous asked:
"Where do adoption agencies get their kids from anyway."
Well they sure as hell don't get them from poofters - only hetrosexuals produce them!
Why should poofters get to adopt them them when they refuse to make any?

Anonymous said...

Nice one Bruce

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