The prototype for a modern MPPicture royally shafted from hereWhen Charles I was finally tried and sentenced, throughout the trial and right up to the point where the axe came down on his neck...
...he refused to accept that the court had the right to try him. After that, he didn't have much to say at all.
MPs facing charges of false accounting over alleged abuse of the Parliamentary expenses system today declared that they will dispute the right of the courts to try them.Sharpen the axe.
We need a modern day Cromwell to turn these parasitic control freaks out of Parliament and restore some semblance of democracy to this country.
Cromwell was backed up by an entire army. That's far harder to arrange these days. CCTV would spot it.
Will they get jury trials, I wonder?
I see that although they've been charged, non of these troughing fuckers were arrested, thus no finger prints or D.N.A. samples will ever be taken.
These people are now mocking us blind, and see us as nothing taxable units in their visions of grandeur.
Wheres that fucking piano wire....
Unsurprisingly enough, one of them is that greasy odious shiteweasel, Elliot Morley.
Hang the bastards from the nearest lamp-post.
Leggy - did you see the story the other day about how Cherie Blair gave a bloke a suspended sentence because he was "a religious man". Wonder if she was trying to establish a legal precedent in case her war criminal hubby gets hauled up in front of the beak?
Mind you, if convicted of war crimes, they might have a different kind of suspended sentence in mind...
Having watched Jim Devine interviewed on C4 news, I have discovered something really scary: these people aren't clever thieving gits, they are just very very stupid.
He believes that because he did not personally pocket any money illicitly, he did not commit a crime. His utter failure to grasp the concept of false accounting, ie lying, would have been funny if it weren't such a sad indictment of the pitiful quality of our elected representatives.
Leg-iron: "Cromwell was backed up by an entire army."
Hence the urgency to strip the public of their guns.
Some say that the Dunblane Massacre files are to be kept secret for 100 years because they show that it was carried out for the precise purpose of sickening the public enough that they would accept a total gun ban.
Fausty, I'd be quite happy to let them take the honourable way out. Unfortunately handguns are banned. Besides, they don't know what 'honour' means.
If they get a jury, it'll be of their peers. Labour peers, no doubt.
D&C - they can't risk letting their DNA be analysed in case we find out David Icke was right. Then again, I know someone who keeps lizards. Lizards are more intelligent than this lot.
PTB - he looked like a five-year-old covered in chocolate trying to deny he had eaten the chocolate. How did we come to be goverened by people like that?
Stewart - there was something wrong about that Dunblane incident. The police knew the guy was unstable but let him keep his guns.
Whether it ws engineered or whether it was rank stupidity, the gun ban covered it up a treat.
Forget it. They are absolved, Ab Initio, by virtue of The Divine Right of C***s.
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