Tuesday, 8 June 2010

The long dark teatime of the blog.

Sometimes it's easy to understand all those bloggers who close down, whether temporarily or permanently. Sometimes you just look at the news and think 'What is this crap?'

So Danny 'The Cylinder' Alexander joins the Treasury and the Telegraph digs a little bit of dirt. Yes, yes, yes, they're all at it, we know, we can't trust any of them, tell us something new. So George 'Chopper' Osborne is going to make sweeping cuts. It's not as if he has any choice, really. No news there. So one more of the Labour-spawned Entitled is found to be beating up his girlfriend, lacerating a neighbour or barbecuing his children. We're all immune to it. It happens every day. It's just not new any more.

Sometimes the news just sounds like this.

I'm taking the night off and having a rummage on YouTube instead. They have Charlie Drake, Hylda Baker, Jimmy Jewell, Jimmy James and many more you'll never see on television again because someone will be offended.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.


banned said...

I took a night off too, watched episode 3 of Yes Minister, "The Economy Drive" which first aired in March 1980 but could just as easily be set today.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not having the night off. Take a look at what they're doing to kid's football in Canada. Are they insane?


Anonymous said...

i worked in a nursing home 30 years ago, and an old lady named dorothy, spoke like that all her waking hours, she was senile by the way!

The 3rd Elf said...

Machine wrapped, with butter...

Just to illustrate that some of us really do have an attention span worthy of your prose, LI.... ;-)

microdave said...

You could have a look for Marty Feldmans classic "Weather Forecast" sketch.

It's a bit like that here, at the moment...

Anonymous said...

Love the clip, Leg-Iron.

I'm one of those taking time off because I'm no longer constantly furious. Instead, I'm investing time in the sunshine and beauty that is the English countryside, which I love.

Should anyone want to contribute to my blog, do apply.

I look forward to your published stories, L-I!

Barking Spider said...

I was beginning to think it was just me - the news channels and the newspapers have been like Groundhog Day for the last a week, not that there's been much else going on since Brownfinger cleared off on 11th May.

Leg-iron said...

Anon - are they insane? Well, pretty much.

They are in charge though. It's not the insane that are the problem. It;s those of use who let them run things.

Leg-iron said...

Fausty - I'm working on submitting a novel now. It's not political though.

Leg-iron said...

Barking Spider - we aren't alone. Even the professionals are having trouble!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for the link, LI, I see what you mean - although old Frosty was careful not to mention Left-wingers like Obama, Blair or even Brown, I noticed. ;-)

Leg-iron said...

Frosty missed a trick there. When it comes to parody, the last thirteen years were a gift.

I mean, the Brown Gorgon, the Tiny Blur, Count Mandelstein, Hideous Harman, the Motorbike Midget, Woolyarse Phil, the Strawman... never before in the field of humorous conflict have so many been so easily taken the piss out of by so few.

He's right though. The new lot are just too normal to be any fun. Apart from Vinnie the Wire.

Still, it's early days.

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