Saturday, 18 February 2012

On the road again.

I am mirroring posts in another place. Ultimately I want a domain of my own where all aspects are in one place and there is no problem if one of the many bits go out of action. That will take time because I have no real idea what I want on that site.

So I am considering a move. The posts are already there. All that's left is to move the comments. So far it's a bit '1970s Spanish hotel - be very nice when fineeshed'.

The new place will have no Disqus and no fiddly stuff and can be drafted into a real site easily. It even has the drop-down menus of proper internet places and it's not Google-run.

So, what do you think


Subrosa said...

I'm plain old fashioned jealous and wish I had the know how to go without google. Wordpress and myself have a love/hate relationship. I'd love to use it but it hates me. ;)

Captain Ranty said...

Very nice!

I am migrating too. Blogger is getting on my last nerve.

(As is the damn troll that showed up...)


Smoking Hot said...

Looks good. One small complaint ... why has my blog Nothing2declare become Smoking Hot on your blog roll?  :)

microdave said...

The larger font is easier on my eyes - I'm now at the stage where I need reading glasses for things much closer than arms length.

Legiron said...

It's a work in progress, so there'll be more to fix before it's finished.

Legiron said...

 It took me a while to find my way around it and I'm still learning, but it has a great deal more flexibility than Blogger. That. unfortunately, does make it more complex to use.

Max Farquar said...

WP worked for me ... I've never looked back. Blogger is but a distant, unpleasant memory. Enjoy your new home ;-)

Sam Keith said...

Looks fine – but please try a slightly bolder font.
What you have is graceful but difficult to read for old gits like me.

jones said...

 Yeah Leggy

Looks better...

That will be all.....

Farmland Investment said...

Go for it mate, blogger sucks.  Although I admit to using blogger myself -  Have been toying around with the idea of having a Wordpress site with my own URL

JuliaM said...

I like it! Though I'm not sure what the problem is with Disqus, apart from having to log in every  three or four days because it doesn't 'remember' me..

Amusing Bunni said...

The new site is great, Leggy!  I hope you have great luck with wordpress.  I've been thinking of setting something up there for practice and such, is it free, or do you have to pay someone somewhere to host it and stuff?

All the best, let us know when to change our blogrolls to the new addy.

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