Friday 21 October 2011

No referendum.

Out for a Smoky-Drinky tonight, hence the early posting.

On Monday, Cameron will demonstrate to the nation exactly how important our opinion is to him, that is, not in the slightest. Fortunately, Ed Moribund and Little Nicky are following suit - all of the MPs of all three main parties are to be whipped into voting against letting the plebs have any say in their own lives.

(Just taking a moment to savour the image of all those MPs being soundly whipped. I know it doesn't really mean that but I can dream).

Why do I say 'fortunately'? Well, if one of those parties defied the EU and were to allow a free vote, or even to whip their members into voting for a referendum, they'd do astoundingly well at the next election. I don't want them to do well. Any of them. That's why I am delighted to see them all demonstrate their contempt for the people of this country so clearly. This might wake up a lot more of their drones.

The referendum on offer is no use. It's a three-way choice with two choices involving staying in the EU so it's biased for an 'in' win from the outset. I see no purpose in that referendum other than to con us into accidentally voting to stay in. It's not even worth the debate. So let's not bother with a referendum at all.

Instead, let's invent our own. It's easy. If you want to stay enslaved to the EU and keep handing over millions every day to people you have never and will never be allowed to vote for, then at the next election, vote for and MP from any of the main parties.

If you want to leave the EU, vote for UKIP.

Easy. A simple, two-way choice and there is no way Cameron can fudge or ignore the results. There's your referendum, right there. Truth be told, it was there at the last election but the LibLabCon Triad conned us all with promises and lies. Those lies are about to be laid bare for all to see.

At the next election, all three of the lying toads will promise more controls over their EU puppet masters but it won't work next time. Not once they have demonstrated, this coming Monday, that they are committed to keeping us all under that thorny EU thumb. Every MP who votes to silence the people will be reminded of that at the hustings. Every one of them.

Those that rebel are threatened with deselection. I wonder, what happens if they simply respond 'Up yours' and leave the party? Does that trigger an immediate by-election or do they continue in Parliament as an independent MP? That would be interesting, because it would tell us whether we vote for representatives or for parties.

And what if enough of them leave the main parties, so that no party has enough left to form a viable government? That must surely trigger a general election and if that happens so soon after this demonstration of contempt for the electorate, the results could be interesting indeed. Especially as UKIP would have a whole raft of potential candidates (assuming at least some of the defectors join UKIP) who will be instantly popular in their constituencies.

So let them vote down this referendum. Let them demonstrate to the people of this country what they really stand for. Let's have a landslide 'no' vote on Monday from all three parties and let every newspaper report it.

What will be really, really interesting is whether the EU can force a second general election if it's won by people they don't like. They do it every time a referendum goes against them. Can they - dare they - do it with a general election?

Let's test them.


TheBoilingFrog said...

Spot on Leg Iron, great post.

Oldrightie said...

UKIP is the best of a bad lot by a mile. Not a kilometre!

Smoking Hot said...

No surprises there then

Anonymous said...

“ … it would tell us whether we vote for representatives or for parties.”

We vote for the person, not the party, despite many people’s misconception that they’re going to “vote Labour” or “vote Tory.” So when an MP leaves a party they retain their seats. What they lose, however, is the backing of that party – finance, support, publicity – which makes their work so much easier to do. Hence the reason why so many disenchanted MPs tend not to simply leave their original party, but to “defect” to another one.

What’s of more concern to MPs at the moment, however - and what is likely to frighten them into submission over this three-line whip more than anything else - are the forthcoming boundary changes and the resulting loss of 50 seats altogether from Parliament. When announced, these boundary changes are likely to result in a rather undignified scramble amongst MPs to be amongst the 600 retained ones, rather than the 50 “disposed of” ones, and those who have blotted their copybooks by rebelling against this three-line whip may well feel concerned (and, knowing how personally vindictive modern politicians are, in my opinion it’s a valid concern) that they won’t be looked upon favourably when the top brass in the major parties are faced with the “who stays and who goes” decision.

Zaphod Camden said...

Your comment about the whips reminded me of one of my favourite teachers at school, back in the days when kids were actually taught properly. He took us for Modern Studies and I vividly remember him saying things like—

"of course the government want to get their way in Parliament, so in a situation like that they'd put the whips on. Well, obvously not literally…unless you're Harvey Proctor…" :)

—ah, the days when politics seemed interesting. As to the main thrust of your post, I voted "others" at the 2011 Scottish election and I can me repeating that at every election henceforth. When I told someone at work of my intentions, he said that was pointless as they wouldn't win. I replied "you're voting for an MSP, not trying to predict the winner…"

Finally, as for deselecting MPs that rebel, that's a strategy that can backfire, as Ken Livingstone amongst others will happily tell you.

Zaphod Camden said...

Apropos of nothing…

Anyone else with a Google account (and I guess that would mean you LegIron, given you use Blogger) getting continually hassled for their mobile number before they let you sign in?

I've just given them the number 0800 FUCK OFF. Hopefully that'll shut them up for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Labour and Liberal have already come out against a referendum,so it only needs a few Tories to also vote against and the motion is scuppered. What intelligent Tory will take the risk, especially if he is ambitious? On the other hand, most Tory MPs are in safe seats, so they have little to worry about. It is not that easy for the bosses to de-select someone.
All very amusing - if it were not also so important.

SBC said...

"If you want to leave the EU, vote for UKIP. "

We do not see such faith in...

Wouldn't have thought you naive enough to believe that a UKIP government would actually take us out of Europe. They won't.

Not when they realize that we and Europe are actually now merely a province of the Peoples Republic Of China.

That's what amuses me about the all the Xenophobes and Little Englanders railing against loss of sovereignty and demanding the return of THEIR nation. It isn't your nation- it's just a larger Hong Kong.

But damn my doubt I'm being overly negative...I mean no politician has ever welched on a manifesto promise...perish the thought...

Leg-iron said...

SBC - that is indeed the problem. Now that the UK courts have made clear that no manifesto commitment is in any way binding, they can all say what they like and then do what they like. We cannot know for certain what they'll do until they're in.

Politicians cannot now be trusted, and it's official.

dmc said...

1 hour ago
Thanks to bionicrtaspberry for pointing out what CamEUron said in 2007 about Gordon Brown -

no mistake, that's the reason he refuses to give the British people a
referendum on the EU constitutional treaty — he simply doesn't trust
them. It's the arrogant belief that he — and only he — has the right to
decide what's best for Britain's future."

Yet CamEUron had the temerity to say to a recent committee hearing:

"I do not believe for a single second that the British people actually want a referendum..." (twice)

I think Conservative policy in this area is clear...

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